We F’d Up – November 12, 2017

Today’s theme was that we screwed up. There was no theme, we feel bad about it, and you really don’t need to harp about it. The movies were HIGHLY, HIGHLY RATED, should have been a no brainer, and yet…….

Spectralwas a movie bankrolled by Universal and later distributed by Netflix after Universal decided not to waste their time with a theatrical release. Probably for good reason. The US military is currently deployed in a war in Moldova where mysterious deaths start plaguing both sides. A ghostly apparition attacks indiscriminately and is resistant to all conventional forms of combat. Our hero, a Super Scientist (who happens to be a pacifist working for DARPA… yes, we know), is sent to Moldova to figure out exactly what is going on. This movie had the makings of a blockbuster: it was well filmed, had an incredible cast, and the effects were beautiful. The only thing missing was… a decent plot. Halfway through the film, we couldn’t help but scoff at how ridiculous every single plot point was. This movie was really highly rated, but…. we just don’t see it. We’ll go ahead and give this 1 reverse polarities out of 5

Following.  Billed as Chris Nolan’s first film.  It was even filmed in black and white as if only to add to it’s auteur cred.  Ha! A snotty art student amongst you might say “Oh, maybe you just didn’t get it.” To you, Jean-Pierre’s of the world, we’ll say this first: we got it. It was very complex. It was very pretty. It was very artsy. It was very… boring.  That’s enough.  Our recap.  1 cracked safe out of 5. (🔓)

Two duds for the price of none…. not the movie candy. We’ll do better next week. (We promise.)

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